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This year’s Korban, we are outreaching poor communities in:

Rohingya Bangladesh, Indonesia, Cambodia, and India.


Extended till 10 June 2024

The blissful korban season is here! Join us to fufill your Korban this year.
Let’s put smiles on their faces by doing Korban this year with us!


You may allocate one name to represent each Korban goat. For eg: Hamba Allah sekeluarga or Hamba Allah and family.


*Ibn al Qoyyim said in Zaadul Ma’ad:

“Among the Sunnah of Rasulullah (pbuh) is that Korban of a goat can be for a person and his family even though they are in great numbers as mentioned by a hadith by Atha ibn Yasar from Abu Ayyub Al-Anshari.” It was recounted in one of Rasulullah’s hadiths.


In accordance to the Islamic laws for korban animals, they should meet minimum requirements. The animals shall be at least 1 year old. In addition, they must be healthy and free from any diseases, including the following conditions:
• They must not be blind, one-eyed or have lost a third (or more) of their sight.
• They cannot be missing a third (or more) of their ear or tail, either through loss or since birth.
• Their horn(s) cannot be broken off from their root.
• They must not have a frail leg that is sufficiently weak that they are unable to walk on it.
• They cannot be excessively thin or lean.
• They must be able to walk themselves to the site of the slaughter.
• They cannot be toothless or missing over half their teeth.
• There is no preference between male or female korban animals.


Animals chosen in a country are dependent upon:

The suitability of the meat to the local diet, the cost of the animal, the location, the availability of animals and the quality of the meat.

It is prescribed for those who want to offer sacrifice, are not permitted to cut their hair and nails from 1 Dzulhijjah to the day they offer the sacrifice. With regard to the family of the one who is going to offer the sacrifice, they are not subjected to any obligations, and it is not forbidden for them to do so.


The slaughtering of the korban animals will typically take place between 10 and 13 Dzulhijjah.

Our counterpart will be taking the photos during Korban event. Photos of all names will be indicated on banners and taken along with the Korban animal (Cow or Goat). The Korban photo[s] will be sent along with the e-Certificate[s] within 1 month after the Korban period.

The Korban videos that will be featured on our media platforms are general video clips encompassing the event.
There will be no video taken during the actual slaughter of the Korban animal.

No. The slaughter dates depends on the Muslim Council representative of each country.