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Imagine living without toilets

Based on the latest data statistics by UNICEF, diarrhoea remains the major cause of children’s illnesses in Cambodia, despite the availability of a simple treatment solution. 

An estimated 10,000 overall deaths annually, largely owing to lack of sanitation and poor hygiene practices. With the lack of privacy, their present toilets are also prone to dangers like the presence of wild animals and insects.

Everyone deserves the dignity of using a proper toilet. Hence, to provide proper and cleaner sanitation to prevent diseases from breeding, we provide the solution by constructing toilets for them for
$770 per unit OR $270 per slot (1/3 of a unit).

When you sponsor a proper toilet to a village home, you have:

Their typical makeshift toilet

We aim to build them one toilet for each house.

The bad news is,

we do not have the capability to do this alone.

But the Good news is,

You can make this possible!